A purchase means to take possession of a given asset, property, item or right by paying a predetermined amount of money for the transaction to be completed successfully.

Sharpen your competitive edge

Microsoft Dynamic Navision enables us when we purchase goods to be as accurate and as possible with our supplier through the Warehouse Management System, with the Warehouse Management System first we delivering the Purchase Order which can be sent directly to the Supplier via e-mail and we can also tell the supplier the time and date when the goods should arrive in our warehouse, and we will be notified when all orders are received when and when they will arrive. With our staff. Purchasing both manually and financially is now shown in standard reports.

Sharpen your competitive edge in mobile

When the merchandise is present to us we must first confirm a purchase with the quantities we have requested, confirmation is done via the mobile app and those quantities we receive on the mobile are invoiced. on a shelf where this is also done via the mobile app (PDA) in conjunction with Microsoft Dynamic NAV software.

furniture mobile


Report real time financially and materially directly to the Supplier.

A report of how much we ordered and how much the supplier brought to us.

Supplier Statement of Obligation Report.

Dynamic overview of one supplier or more suppliers.

Accounts automatically accounted for by account groups.

Report on each employee in time form during his activity.

Intuitive use, compliant with Dynamics NAV logics

Insights into processes and data for accurate decision making

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